Sunday, December 4, 2011


Sometimes, separation in married life may become helpful because the couple may find it miserable to live together. When this happens, some couples wish to have a trial parting which may help to work through the differences between both the partners. In some cases, separation is prohibited by cultural or religious rules yet they prefer to live apart though legally remaining married. The question is: Can separation save a marriage and does it really work? There two ways, either informal or legal separation. Generally, informal parting is what you both agree by a mutual understanding. There is a formal division of the property, arrangements about possession of cars, credit cards and bank accounts. A legal, formal separation is more complicated, permanent and expensive. People undergoing this process go through time, pain and expense. Generally, separation is not the first step to save a marriage. Many couples first try to participate in marital counseling which may help to work through the differences. Some couples seek out an advice from the friends, family or religious leaders. Many people are successful in resolving their marital problems after participating in couple retreats or marriage seminars. Along with these options or after trying these options, the couples choose a trial parting. Now, you will wonder can separation save a marriage; is it an appropriate way to save a marriage? Yes, it may be helpful as it gives an opportunity to both the partners to experience the feelings of being separated before taking any final decision. The major advantage of trial separation is that it is reversible. During the period of trial separation, you may go through marital counseling, think over it and then take the final decision. This separation period gives you ample time to think about your differences, your mistakes, problems in your married life and ways to resolve them. An absence of daily bickering and conflicts may be an effective answer to the question can separation save a marriage. Due to a lack of proximity, there is absolutely no chance for conflicts. Both the partners get enough time to think over their marital problems. Most of the marital problems originate from fear, ego or stubbornness. Resolution is possible as long as one partner wishes to keep trying. The main purpose of trial separation is to develop the skills of resolving the problems before moving back together and working on improving the relationships. For a couple, a planned separation can be a good time to think, to analyze, to reflect, to calm down and cool off. It helps to make thoughtful decisions and thus work to save a marriage. In some cases, separation may be unplanned and there may be no plans for marriage counseling, no tentative time-line for separation and no guidelines agreed about seeing others. Hence, before you think about separation , talk with each other about the individual goals of separation. Both should be ready for seeking individual and joint counseling during the separation period. The answer to the question ‘Can separation save a marriage’ lies within the person himself/herself; you need to realize how important your spouse is in your life and how life may be without him/her.

Writing Love Letters And Poems

Would you like to compose personal love letters and poems for your sweetheart but don't know where to begin? While it's true that a personalized love letter is usually preferred over a greeting card, unfortunately most folks don't put forth the extra effort to compose one. Although this may be due to lack of time, often people are too timid or lack the confidence to write their own. Many feel they don't have the necessary writing skills or flair. Fortunately, writing of this nature can be mastered with a little practice and patience. In no time at all, you could be writing material that captures the heart of your lover. Writing Tips for Love Letters and Poems: The first thing to remember when composing a love message to your mate is to write from the heart. Let the person know your true feelings for them. This may include telling them how you felt when you first met, describing past events or occasions that are dear to your heart, or telling them of their qualities you find most attractive. Remember you are writing to an individual. Take time to personalize your letter or poem and it will be cherished for years to come. How many people do you know who have saved love letters that are decades old? Actually it's not too uncommon for a person to keep hand written correspondence from a former or current lover. Now ask yourself how many people would be likely to save greeting cards from years gone by. While maybe a few, the numbers are nowhere near that of hand written letters and poems. This fact alone should inspire you to create your own love greetings. Special Events and Occasions The following list contains holidays and events that are the perfect time for letting your lover know just how you feel. * Valentine's Day * Sweetest Day * Birthday * Anniversary * Marriage proposal or engagement * Birth of a child. These are just a few of the special times you may wish to write your own love letters. However, you needn't wait for a certain event to express your feelings of passion. Often receiving a love greeting unexpectedly can have the greatest impact. Your mate will be grateful that you took the time to express yourself for no special reason. After a little practice, you will become more comfortable writing your own love messages. In fact, your mate may soon start to expect or anticipate hand written correspondence from you. When this occurs, you will know your efforts have been worthwhile.

What Is Love?(How To Make It and Love It)

What is love? How to make it and love it? This is an ageless question, and everybody uses the word “love” in daily conversations. Millions of movies and songs are based on it, but do we really know what it love? How to make it and love it? Here are some Greek definitions of love: Eros: romantic love of passion, physical longing, deep intensity, and intimacy. Often initial love that attracts a couple. Attracted to what it finds desirable, or beautiful--often knowing no limits and searching without satisfaction through many objects of desire. Philios: characterized by sharing, companionship and shared values, it exemplifies friendship-based and brotherly love. It is more comprehensive and less self-seeking than eros. Storge: family love between parent/child or between two incredibly close people. It is instinctive, and does not need to be requited. Agape: considered purest, most comprehensive and most mysterious form of love, which loves unconditionally. Agape dissolves our separateness from God, others, and ourselves, as instead of seeking the security and consolation of seeking to be loved, we are love. Agape is the love of altruism, of giving without asking anything in return. A famous Bible verse in 1 Corinthians 13 states other qualities of love: Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way: it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. So what is love? How to make it and love it? We get love by giving love, for as we give, so do we receive. Life is a mirror and will reflect back to us what we put out. Want more love in your life? Then I invite you to demonstrate to a friend or family member real AGAPE love. Call someone up for no other reason than to tell them you love them. LOVE IS PATIENT: Imagine for a moment what patience could do in your life? What would your home be like if everyone had great patience? What would the world be like if all people had patience with each other? What is love? Love is Patience and it begins with each of us. LOVE IS KIND. Kindness is directly connected to patience. Patience endures injuries and insults and kindness pays them back with good deeds and kind actions. In Greek the word kindness means “useful.” Love is kind means we express God by being kind, by being useful and of benefit to others. So make it and love it in every moment. What is love? I don't believe it can be defined in English. It's just too big to be contained in words. But hopefully, words will light up horizons for us to follow.

How To Make Her Love You

How can you make her love you? How can you be certain of winning love? Visualize her loving you. Enjoy the constant pleasure that it will bring you. And feel for yourself how wonderful your love life has become. You are in love with someone. You want to make her love you too. What do you do? Simple! Visualize! Remember, love has everything to do with your heart and mind. If you can keep your heart healthy, then you can have all the love you want. Picture your heart. You may visualize it like am actual biological heart, or it may even be a symbolic valentine heart. Go ahead and ask your heart about how it is feeling today. Is it feeling sad? Lonely? Disappointed? Understand the way it is feeling. Hear what it has to say to you. Then tell your heart that you are trying to make it feel better. What is the condition of your heart? Is it sad? Or is it youthful? Does it look healthy? Or is it torn or wounded? Is it wounded? Now repair your heart. You have all the tools required. If it is torn at places, stitch them. If it is wounded, then treat it’s wound. When your heart looks healthy, fill it to the brim with light. Imagine the shining light flow into your heart and reach it’s every nook and corner. Your heart is not only healthy now it even feels alive. Listen to your heartbeats. Make it feel good. Thank your heart for keeping you alive. Applaud its tireless performance. The more you thank your heart, the healthier it gets. Now that your heart is healthy and happy, you are now ready to make her love you. Picture the person you love or whom you desire the most. See the person clearly? How does she look? What color is her hair? What kind of clothes is she wearing? How tall is the person? Is there any gesture that is distinctively hers? Let the person appear in front of you. How far is the person? Bring her closer to at the most five feet away from you. Now, picture your healthy heart connected to her heart. You may use any material you like for connection. A rope, chain, satin ribbon – it can be anything. It can be even imaginary. To make her love you, the goal is to connect love to love, so a sense of energy flows between you both. Once you have connected love, visualize yourself doing something loving with the person you love. Do anything that people who love each other do. Walk hand in hand, go for a dance, sit down for some ice cream, love each other, hug each other – you may even kiss each other. The more you visualize the person you love in the way described above, the stronger the love flows between you both. Until one day, you really make her love you. And if ever you feel that love is beginning to fade, go through the visualization again. Make her love you forever!

What Makes Love Last?

What makes love last? Giving love ensures the giver will receive love. Even if our lives were full of love we would still want to experience more of it, because love is never ending and the more love we have the more we will have to give away. But how do we give love away? Before we can answer that question, we must attempt to define love or agree upon what love is. Because love is fathomless, we cannot completely understand its depth. And our attempts to define it often confine its meaning and eternal quality. However, we know when we experience love. And we can identify love in how it is expressed. Love is communicated to us in many ways. Sometimes it is in words or someone’s thoughtfulness. We recognize it when we are treated with kindness and respect. We also communicate our love by our faithfulness, generosity, and selflessness. There are many different attributes that we associate with love. I believe there is a mindset that communicates it most fully, and makes love last. Love is more than words and it runs deeper than feelings. Love is what we live for. We love and we want to be loved. We look for loving qualities in people and that is what often attracts us to them. Besides being drawn to their personality, appearance, common interests, and so forth, we look for qualities that communicate love, warmth, and acceptance. If we want to build a relationship with someone, we want a connection that is deeper and founded on the attributes of love. A loving person makes love last, and draws others to them. We all like to be around someone who makes us feel valued and who treats us as important. We like being around someone who is thoughtful toward us; someone who cares about our feelings; someone who can be trusted and is honest with us. We like people who make us feel good about ourselves—people who listen and understand us; people who want to help us and will go of their way for us; people who are happy when we succeed; people who appreciate us. We all like to be around people who make us feel genuinely loved. Earlier we said that what makes love last is giving it, the more love we give the more we will have to give. Love isn’t love until you give it away. We give love away when its attributes are evident and expressed in our life. We can all grow in the various attributes of love, and we can begin to express love more fully in our lives and relationships. So what makes love last is simply giving it.

Want Your Ex Back? A Lesson From Being Robbed At Gunpoint!

Want your ex back? A lesson from being robbed at gunpoint can do the trick. So what can you learn by being robbed at gunpoint? As TW Jackson explains in the Magic Of Making Up System, after your initial want to set up your "1st Date" again. AND...the MOST important part, the secret and the part nobody else but T Dub will tell ya :-) the date HAS to be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED. Okay? That DOES NOT mean 'dinner and a movie'.'s BORING...and does not create a bonding...or in our case a RE-bonding experience. In fact, you want to pack in several emotionally charged mini-dates in a span of a couple hours. Why? If you just do 'dinner and a movie' you lose out on a Sociologically PROVEN principle... emotionally charged experiences = bond Look at it in another way. Last time you went to the bank, do you remember the person in line in front of you? Behind you? Probably not. Me either. But... What if while you were in the bank, it was ROBBED AT GUNPOINT? and the robbers couldn't get the safe open. The robbers are livid, screaming and waving huge guns around. The tension feels so thick you could cut through it with a knife. You are lying face down on the cold bank floor and can see your breath fogging up the tile below. You are trembling...because it is eerily silent for a moment. "Oh my god!" "Where are the robbers?" "Are they behind me?" "Are they watching me?" So you slowly move your eyes around and see a sweet older lady lying right next to you. She looks a little like Grandma, and you come out of your own haze enough to realize that she is even more terrified than you. She is softly sobbing. You slowly reach out and take her hand in yours and give her a little squeeze that says..."it's gonna be all right." NOW! Let me ask? Are you going to EVER forget that older lady? and... Do you think she will EVER forget you? Not in a million Sundays! Now...I'm not saying to go rob a bank on your first date! LOL. But you want to go on an EMOTIONALLY charged and exciting date...and preferably several mini-dates in a span of a couple hours. A short roller coaster ride is one GREAT example. T Dub teaches you more about things like emotionally charged dates in the Magic Of Making Up System. You'll also discover psychological tactics and techniques you can use to get you BACK on that first date with your ex again.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Make A Love

How to make a love last? It may seem trite to say, but its true. "Love is where it’s at." What do you want to do in life? Everything goes easier with love in your heart. Want better relationships, or a better family life? Make a love in your heart that will burn brightly the the darkest times. Trying to do a better job at work? Make a love there immanating from your heart. Trying to make a difference in anything? Start by making a love. Is there pain in your life that needs mending? Love is what heals. Are you lonely; still looking for that special someone? Love will find a way. In a world of pain and anguish, of seemingly endless problems and crises, love is so often forgotten or overlooked. In times of national crisis does anyone make a love and shine forgiveness? And how often do you, when faced with interpersonal conflict, remember to make a love in your heart for the person you are facing? This, of course, is not to say just to make a love alone will solve all problems. But it is to say that all approaches to any problem will always resolve quicker and easier and will lead toward healing when love is consciously present. Violence does not stop violence; it only breeds more violence. Period. The scars born of violence do not go away; rather, they fester and return in kind. Love dissipates violence. Not always immediately, but always eventually. This is why the most powerful advocates for peace are the most vocal advocates for love. We need only look at leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, who both advocated nonviolent protest and loving the enemy, to see that armies may be conquered and systematic repression can be stopped with the use of long-term campaigns of love, kindness, and forgiveness. Again, this is not to say that love alone is a panacea, a magic pill that cures all. It is only to say that all methods and plans for positive change will always work better when there is an undercurrent of conscious loving energy. To make a love is the one thing that is universally revered as being good for us all, and yet, with tragic consequence, it is so often ignored as a technique for change. Indeed, finding and keeping love in our hearts is the only way to consistently promote and effect healing, on both a personal and a national level. It is fear that drives us to violence, as individuals and as nations. It takes courage to look beyond that fear and to consider that forgiveness and acceptance are necessary elements in any healthy relationship, whether it’s between two people or between two cultures. Fear pushes away; to make a love brings together. Love is the universal element that can be used in any situation where positive change is needed. It is not the only element, but is the element that can be used anytime, anywhere. Love is the answer.